Spindlewheel Stories

Longform: The Tricaster

Episode Summary

Magic returns to the world; crimes are had.

Episode Notes

When we talk about magic--and we're not just telling fairy tales or parlor tricks--we don't usually talk about it like puberty. But when it returned to the world, it returned in fits and spurts, horrifying and impulsive and stupid, and there really isn't a word more apt. Alas, some of us are still hoping against hope for a graceful transition, a slow ease of the public into the idea of holding fire in your hands, or negotiating the opinions of a river. We still believe we can instill safety precautions so that fewer homes are demolished by botched cantrips, and old gods still bleary from centuries in slumber aren't hailed immediately by gunfire. Our organization has long maintained that lasting, positive change takes time, and must be introduced gradually. But the public is not patient, magic is not graceful, and time is not on our side.

Rules edition: v1.0 Longform with Acts and Intermissions. This was recorded before Festival even existed, which is fun.

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Follow Calix on twitter @reaverboar.

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