Spindlewheel Stories

the Fallen

Episode Summary

Atop a slowly awakening leviathan, the disgraced servant of a parasite god tries to set things right.

Episode Notes

It's my birthday! Happy birthday, me.

It's also the two-year anniversary of the production of Spindlewheel. This time in 2017, I was crunching through the first two weeks of february to make a twine game for my birthday. I've linked a thread in the description talking more about that if you're interested.

This episode isn't about that, though. See, it's my birthday today. I'm not doing a lot to celebrate, but I am putting this episode out, because this was a treat for me, from start to finish. I hope you enjoy it, and that you can grab yourself some discount valentine's day candy if that's something you're into.

Next week we'll be back with regular Spindlewheel episodes, but, y'know, sometimes...

...sometimes it's good to celebrate.

I hope this intro isn't too self-indulgent. I'm very tired and old now.

Find the Fallen on Caleb's itch.io.

Follow Caleb on twitter @spadeandspear.

Follow Sasha on twitter @sasha_reneau.

Follow Spindlewheel's development @teacabbage.

Check out the open beta at https://tinyurl.com/spindlewheel-openbeta.