Spindlewheel Stories

Festival: the Heights Casino

Episode Summary

The end is nigh, and earth-diving panhandlers are the stars in a nihilistic gambling world.

Episode Notes

There are people at this very bar who remember when the Heights Casino was a half-rate pit stop on the way to the real gambling dens on the coast, but that was back when we had a coast.

Ask any of ‘em and they’ll ramble on about how prepared and sustainable everyone was, until the tide came in and swept away their best-laid plans. Now, the Heights Casino’s saving grace is the hill it was built on. That’s it. The only thing to do here is for the old fogies: sit on a barstools and make bets on the young bastards who dredge for treasure while the tide is out.

Does that sound sustainable to you?

[Content Warning: mention of nuclear weapons]

The track "Golden Threads in Mist" is by Michael Boykin. Find him on twitter @MeAndAmpersand.

Apologies for audio quality, this was taken from the Nonbinary Tabletop RPG Month stream. Find out more at https://twitter.com/nonbinaryttrpgm!

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