Spindlewheel Stories

Festival: Phantom Ferry

Episode Summary

A soldier turned death-priest tries to give the grim ferryman a break by taking souls from a battlefield to their strange afterlife, getting extremely lost in the process.

Episode Notes

The belltower of that dreadful church is the first landmark to break the horizon on the return trip across the river. He spends every waking minute straining his ears to hear its bell over the choppy waves, the groaning wood, and the whining passengers. But even that is not a comfort, but the promise of even more dull-eyed figures desperately waiting to rush his boat and shriek if he so much as pauses to stretch his aching back.

Just imagine if he could take a break. That crooked spine pulled straight and tall, those straining muscles at rest, a peaceful smile on his face. I really think he deserves it, y'know? He works too hard.

I think I could help him. I mean, there are only two shores to a river, right? How hard could it be?

Apologies for the hiccups in audio quality, this was edited down from a livestream on https://twitch.tv/pnelmatirian.

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